WANG DU (dBan gDus)
Kurt (in overalls) with his father Julian von Meier, “the great fisherman” (to Kurt’s right), C. 1938
The Karma of receiving, gathering energy
The action of a magnetic field (non-linear equations)
A capacity to receive, by which the giving is completed
DANA, generosity, openness of the heart-closure with
ANUTARA, the syllables (4) on the petals of the lotus
in the 5th cakra, visualized in the dream yoga
(rMilam), the 3rd step of the six Yogas of Naropa
(who got them from Tilopa, the Fisherman, who received
instruction from DORJE CHANG)
Kurt’s father, Julian Josef von Meier (called J.J. by his friends and family) with a large Striped Bass.
My father was the great fisherman
Julian, as from Julius the Caesar & the month of July of the yule following Finnegans Wake, one week after the Summer Solstice, and the day of the birth of Amanita. On his birthday in 1972 --how can it-be? The recognition of the father image--as it were 4 years younger than myself! East of the continental divide KARMA DZONG
My friend, Capitano Pedro Pichilenque, the "dolphin fish" Mahi-mahi muni
Kurt with his Mahi Mahi, caught during a trip to Mexico’s Sea of Cortez.
Kurt von Meier
July, 1972